Yahoo Finance abounds with data for each market stock or crypto. Bellow are the configured data selectors you can use within your =IMPORTFROMWEB( ) function; just pick them up directly in our Yahoo Finance scraper template or use them by yourself in your own spreadsheet.
To use the =IMPORTFROMWEB function, you need to input the selector into the function or refer to a cell / range of cells that contain selectors. For example, if you are looking for the volume and the market cap of a company’ stock, just write:
=IMPORTFROMWEB("url", "volume, marketCap")
Selectors | Description |
shortRatio | widely-used tool by short selling hedge funds and other portfolio managers in the stock market |
website | website |
volume | volume $$ exchanged on the share during the day |
forwardPE | version of the ratio of price-to-earnings that uses forecasted earnings for the P/E calculation |
priceToSales | valuation ratio that compares a company’s stock price to its revenues |
exDividendDate | usually set one business day before the record date |
heldbyInsiders | the total number of shares owned by a firms board of directors, executives, and senior officer |
marketCap | the total dollar market value of a company’s outstanding shares of stock |
dividendYield | The dividend yield is a financial ratio that tells you the percentage of a company’s share price that it pays out in dividends each year. |
earningsDate | the date of the next release of a company’s financial report |
float | the act of moving a currency to a floating exchange rate |
symbol | symbol related to the company’s name in the financial markets |
sharesShort | shares that have been sold in the open market, with the assumption that the stock price will go down |
previousClose | share price at the close of business the day before |
sector | sector of the company |
trailingPE | relative valuation multiple that is based on the last 12 months of actual earnings |
trailingPE | relative valuation multiple that is based on the last 12 months of actual earnings |
bid | refers to a two-way price quotation that indicates the best potential price at which a security can be sold and bought at a given point in time |
ask | refers to a two-way price quotation that indicates the best potential price at which a security can be sold and bought at a given point in time |
payoutRatio | proportion of earnings a company pays its shareholders in the form of dividends, expressed as a percentage of the company’s total |
open | price at the opening of the stock market |
phone | phone name |
perTTM | pe ratio |
noOfAnnalystsNextYear | Number of analysts next year |
noOfAnnalystsNextQuarter | number of analysts for the next quarter |
noOfAnnalystsCurrentYear | Number of analysts for the current year |
noOfAnalystsCurrentQuarter | Number of analysts for the current quarter |
exchangeName | name of the market place where the shares are sold |
pegRatio5y | measures of the value of a company against its earnings and growth rate |
entrepriseValue | measure of a company’s total value, often used as a comprehensive alternative to equity market capitalization |
ebitda | measure of a company’s overall financial performance |
52WeekLow | lowest price over the last 52 weeks |
dayLow | lowest price of the day |
exDividendDate | last dividend date |
priceToBook | It compares a company’s market price to its book value |
industry | industry of the company |
52WeekHigh | Highest price over the last 52 weeks |
dayHigh | highest price of the day |
profitMargin | gauges the degree to which a company or a business activity makes money, essentially by dividing income by revenues |
fullTimeEmployee | Full-time employee number listed in the company |
lastSplitFactor | explanation of the split of the stock |
1yTargetEst | estimate of the price in one year |
dividend | distribution of profits by a corporation to its shareholders |
bookValuePerShare | difference between that company’s total assets and total liabilities, and not its share price in the market |
description | description of the company |
dividendDate | date of the next dividend |
lastSplitDate | date of the last split |
fiscalYearEnds | date of the fiscal year |
regularMarketPrice | current market price |
name | company name |
state | company is located in this state |
country | company is located in this country |
city | company is located in this city |
grossProfit | calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold from revenue |
eps | calculated as a company’s profit divided by the outstanding shares of its common stock. |
netIncomeAvitoCommon | bottom-line profit belonging to the common stockholders |
avgVolume | average volume $$ traded on the stock |
avgEstimateNextQuarter | Average estimate for the next quarter |
avgEstimateCurrentYear | average Estimate Current year |
avgEstimateCurrentQuarter | Average Estimate Current Quarter |
revenue | amount of revenue |
adress | adress of the company |
beta5Y | 5 years of historical price data |
avgEstimateNextYear | |
lowEstimateCurrentQuarter | |
lowEstimateNextQuarter | |
lowEstimateCurrentYear | |
lowEstimateNextYear | |
highEstimateCurrentQuarter | |
highEstimateNextQuarter | |
highEstimateCurrentYear | |
highEstimateNextYear | |
yearsAgoEpsEstimateCurrentQuarter | |
yearsAgoEpsEstimateNextQuarter | |
yearsAgoEpsEstimateCurrentYear | |
yearsAgoEpsEstimateNextYear | |
noOfAnalystsCurrentQuarter | |
noOfAnalystsNextQuarter | |
noOfAnalystsCurrentYear | |
noOfAnalystsNextYear | |
avgEstimateCurrentQuarter | |
avgEstimateNextQuarter | |
avgEstimateCurrentYear | |
avgEstimateNextYear | |
lowEstimateCurrentQuarter | |
lowEstimateNextQuarter | |
lowEstimateCurrentYear | |
lowEstimateNextYear | |
highEstimateCurrentQuarter | |
highEstimateNextQuarter | |
highEstimateCurrentYear | |
highEstimateNextYear | |
yearAgoSalesCurrentQuarter | |
yearAgoSalesNextQuarter | |
yearAgoSalesCurrentYear | |
yearAgoSalesNextYear | |
salesGrowthCurrentQuarter | |
salesGrowthNextQuarter | |
salesGrowthCurrentYear | |
salesGrowthNextYear | |
epsEst3monthAgo | |
epsEst6monthAgo | |
epsEst9monthAgo | |
epsEst12monthAgo | |
epsActual3monthAgo | |
epsActual6monthAgo | |
epsActual9monthAgo | |
epsActual12monthAgo | |
epsDifference3monthAgo | |
epsDifference6monthAgo | |
epsDifference9monthAgo | |
epsDifference12monthAgo | |
suprise3monthAgo | |
suprise6monthAgo | |
suprise9monthAgo | |
suprise12monthAgo | |
currentEstimateCurrentQuarter | |
currentEstimateNextQuarter | |
currentEstimateCurrentYear | |
currentEstimateNextYear | |
7daysAgoCurrentQuarter | |
7daysAgoNextQuarter | |
7daysAgoCurrentYear | |
7daysAgoNextYear | |
30daysAgoCurrentQuarter | |
30daysAgoNextQuarter | |
30daysAgoCurrentYear | |
30daysAgoNextYear | |
60daysAgoCurrentQuarter | |
60daysAgoNextQuarter | |
60daysAgoCurrentYear | |
60daysAgoNextYear | |
90daysAgoCurrentQuarter | |
90daysAgoNextQuarter | |
90daysAgoCurrentYear | |
90daysAgoNextYear | |
upLast7Days | |
upLast30Days | |
downLast7Days | |
downLast30Days | |
currentQtr | |
nextQtr | |
currentYear | |
nextYear | |
next5Years | |
past5Years | |
%ofSharesHeldbyAllInsider | |
%ofSharesHeldbyInstitutions | |
%ofFloatHeldbyInstitutions | |
numberofInstitutionsHoldingShares | |
institutionOwnershipHolder | |
institutionOwnershipShares | |
institutionOwnershipDateReported | |
institutionOwnershipOut | |
institutionOwnershipValue | |
fundOwnershipHolder | |
fundOwnershipShares | |
fundOwnershipDateReported | |
fundOwnershipOut | |
fundOwnershipValue | |
entrepriseToRevenue | |
entrepriseToEbitda | |
52WeekChange | |
sp500_52WeekChange | |
50DayMovingAverage | |
200DayMovingAverage | |
AvgVol3m | |
AvgVol10d | |
sharesOutstanding | |
impliedSharesOutstanding | |
heldbyInstitutions | |
short%ofFloat | |
short%ofSharesOutstanding | |
sharesShortprior | |
forwardAnnualDividendRate | |
forwardAnnualDividendYield | |
trailingAnnualDividendRate | |
trailingAnnualDividendYield | |
5YearAverageDividendYield | |
mostRecentQuarter | |
operatingMargin | |
returnonAssets | |
returnonEquity | |
revenuePerShare | |
quarterlyRevenueGrowth | |
dilutedEPS | |
quarterlyEarningsGrowth | |
totalCash | |
totalCashPerShare | |
totalDebt | |
totalDebtPerEquity | |
currentRatio | |
operatingCashFlow | |
leveredFreeCashFlow | |
keyExecutivesName | |
keyExecutivesTitle | |
keyExecutivesPay | |
keyExecutivesYearBorn | |
auditRisk | |
boardRisk | |
compensationRisk | |
shareHolderRightsRisk | |
overallRisk | |
totalESGRiskscore | |
environmentRiskScore | |
socialRiskScore | |
governanceRiskScore | |
significantControversylevel |