Want to extract Amazon product data straight into your spreadsheet?
You can see below the exhaustive list of selectors designed for any Amazon product page. These built-in data selectors are used within your =IMPORTFROMWEB( ) function; just pick them up directly in our Amazon scraper template or use them by yourself in your own spreadsheet.
=IMPORTFROMWEB("url", "name, rating")
Please note that ImportFromWeb works with most of Amazon markets, including US (.com), Canada (.ca), Mexico (.com.mx), Brazil (.com.br), UK (.co.uk), France (.fr), Germany(.de), Netherlands (.nl), Spain (.es), Italy (.it), Turkey (.com.tr), India (.in), Saudi Arabia (.sa), UAE (.ae), Japan (.jp), Australia (com.au), Singapore (.sg)
You want to scrape in another language than English ? We made a special FAQ there.
1. General Information
Selector | Description |
asin | Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) |
title | Product name |
url | Product URL |
brand_name | Product’s brand |
manufacturer | Manufacturer’s name |
brand_store_link | URL of the product’s brand store |
model | Item model number |
release_date | When the product has been released on Amazon |
country_of_origin | Item’s country origin |
categories | All the categories the product fits in (as seen in the breadcrumb) |
categories_links | URLs of the categories the product fits in |
product_gl | General ledger of the listing |
bought_in_past_month | number of units sold in past month |
best_seller_rank_1 | Best Sellers Rank from the top category |
best_seller_category_1 | Best Sellers category from the top category |
best_seller_link_1 | Best sellers link from the top category |
best_seller_rank_2 | Best Sellers Rank from the 2nd category |
best_seller_category_2 | Best sellers category from the 2nd category |
best_seller_link_2 | Best sellers link from the 2nd category |
rating | Average rating |
rating_percentage_x_stars | % of x-star ratings (where x= 1,2,3,4 or 5) |
reviews_count | Number of reviews |
part_number | Part Number of the product |
box_content | Content of the box |
2. Product description
Selector | Description |
a_plus_content | Manufacturer’s product description (text only) |
a_plus_content_images | Manufacturer’s product description (images only) |
bullet_point_X | Bullet point X in product’s description (replace X by your chosen number) |
bullet_points | Product’s description – bullet points |
description | Product description (plain text) |
3. Media
Selector | Description |
featured_image_source | Product’s featured image. This selector can be combined with the function =IMAGE(link) which will allow you to visualize the image on google sheet |
image_X_source | Images source URL (replace x by your choosen image position, up to 10 images) |
has_video | Indicates whether the product has a video or not (true or false) |
video_url | Video source URL |
4. Offer / price
Selector | Description |
availability | Indicates whether the product is available or not (+ the available quantity when specified) |
list_price | Strike-Through Price / Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price (list_price_currency to get the currency only & list_price_text to get the value together with the currency) |
sale_price | Sale price of the product / BuyBox price (sale_price_currency to get the currency only & sale_price_text to get the value together with the currency) |
sale_price_per_unit | Unit sale price of the product |
prime_price | Returns the price of the product with an Amazon Prime account |
badge | Indicates “best sellers”, “Amazon’s choice” and “Amazon exclusive” ASINs |
has_coupon | Indicates whether the product has a coupon or not (true or false) |
coupon_discount | Coupon value |
has_deal | Indicates whether the product has a current deal or not (true or false) |
buybox_quantity_max | Maximum selectable quantity |
buybox_quantity_min | Minimum selectable quantity |
buybox_winner | Seller who gets the buybox |
buybox_winner_link | URL of the Buybox seller page |
sns_sale_price | Subscribe and Save price |
sns_buybox_winner | Subscribe and Save’s buy box winner |
ships_from | Indicates the product’s shipper |
shipping_cost | Shipping price |
offers_count | Indicates the number of offers for a given product (new and used) |
normal_delivery | Indicates the standard delivery date |
fastest_delivery | Indicates the fastest delivery date |
sellers_names* | Lists the first 12 sellers of the product including the buybox winner |
sellers_type* | Indicates whether the sellers are FBA (when the product is shipped from Amazon) or FBM |
sellers_prices* | Lists their prices including the buybox price |
sellers_links* | URL of the first 12 sellers pages including the buybox winner |
sellers_offer_types* | Type of offers for the first 12 sellers (new, used…) including the buybox winner |
sellers_ships_from* | Returns the name of the shipper |
* when you use the sellers_*** selectors, the function opens a new pop up (same as when you click on the “see other vendors” link). As a consequence, those selectors cannot be combined with any other selector within the same function.
* sellers_*** selectors return the 1st 12 sellers. If you want to get the full list of sellers, please contact us and we’ll show you how to do it
5. Product variations
Selector | Description |
current_variation_headers | Headers of all the possible variations |
current_variation_values | Selected variations values |
variations_asins | All ASINs related to the current product |
variation_X_name | Name of variation x |
variation_X_child_images_source | All images of the selected variation (replace x by your chosen number) |
variation_X_asins | All ASINs of the selected variation (replace x by your chosen number) |
variation_X_child_texts | All values of the selected variation (replace x by your chosen number) |
variation_X_child_Y_text | Value y in variation x |
variation_X_child_Y_asin | ASIN of product y in variation x |
variation_X_child_Y_image_source | Image of product y in variation x |
6. Technical characteristics
Selector | Description |
feature_headers | Product featured characteristics headers |
feature_values | Product featured characteristics values |
details_headers | Product characteristics headers |
details_values | Product characteristics values |
capacity | Product capacity |
color_name | Product color |
style_name | Product style (for Amazon English markets only) |
has_climate_pledge_friendly_badge | Does the amazon product have a climate pledge friendly certification (true or false) |
7. Product’s measurements
Selector | Description |
item_dimensions_unit_of_measure | Unit of measure used for the dimensions of the product (for Amazon English markets only) |
item_height | Product’s height (for Amazon English markets only) |
item_height_unit_of_measure | Unit of measure used for the height of the product (for Amazon English markets only) |
item_length | Product’s length (for Amazon English markets only) |
item_length_unit_of_measure | Unit of measure used for the length of the product (for Amazon English markets only) |
item_weight | Product’s weight (for Amazon English markets only) |
item_weight_unit_of_measure | Unit of measure used for the weight of the product (for Amazon English markets only) |
item_width | Product’s width (for Amazon English markets only) |
item_width_unit_of_measure | Unit of measure used for the width of the product (for Amazon English markets only) |
8. Parcel / Package
Selector | Description |
package_dimensions_unit_of_measure | Package’s dimension unit of measure (cm, inch) (for Amazon English markets only) |
package_height | Package’s height (for Amazon English markets only) |
package_length | Package’s length (for Amazon English markets only) |
package_weight | Package’s weight (for Amazon English markets only) |
package_weight_unit_of_measure | Package’s weight unit of measure (grams, pounds) (for Amazon English markets only) |
package_width | Package’s width (for Amazon English markets only) |