eBay data selectors

Want to extract eBay product pages straight into your spreadsheet?

You can see below the selectors to use within your =IMPORTFROMWEB() function; just pick them up and write your function as follows:

=IMPORTFROMWEB("eBay product URL", "title, price")

Product page

titleTitle of the product
priceProduct price
image_X_sourceProduct’s images (replace x by your choosen image position)
image_sourceReturns all of the product images URLs
stockThe number of items currently in stock.
out_of_stockIndicates whether the item is currently out of stock.
ship_priceShipping cost of the product
item_numberThe unique identifier for the product
item_conditionThe condition of the product (new, used, etc.).
return_policyThe seller’s return policy for the product.

Search page

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