To help you get started right away, you can use this free Google Sheets template

Back-end issues occur on Amazon. Content changes also, especially when multiple sellers compete on the same product. That’s where our all-in-one Amazon Content Checker comes in.
This powerful google sheets dashboard, designed for Amazon FBA sellers, brands, and e-commerce agencies, makes it easy to identify back-end issues and track content changes across your listings.
Get actionable insights in a single scan and make sure all your listings are retail ready!
What you get?
With =IMPORTFROMWEB(), you extract the following details from any Amazon Listings
- title
- bullet_points
- categories
- description
- images
- and much more
Discover all available Amazon product data points
We’ve designed an easy-to-use template, so you can control your Listings content rigth away! Make sure you have installed and activated ImportFromWeb in your Google Sheets.